Paint the Grid - Dribble

Paint the grid dribble drill is a great soccer dribbling drill that encourages players to move around the entire grid.

Paint the grid dribble drill is a great soccer dribbling drill that encourages players to move in and out of traffic around the entire grid. This soccer dribbling drill would be perfect for a warm-up activity for a dribbling training session.

Paint the Grid - Dribble

Drill Setup

  1.  Create a grid approximately 20X20 yards.
  2. Place each player inside the grid with a ball each.

Drill Instructions

  1. Instruct the players to "paint" the grid by moving all over the grid attempting to cover all areas of the grid.
  2. Players should keep their heads up to avoid collissions.
  3. Instruct the players to use all parts of the foot to dribble.
  4. Give the players 1 minute to paint the entire grid.

Drill Coaching Points

  1. Keep the ball close to body. 
  2. Keep body under control.
  3. Keep head up and aware of surroundings.
  4. Good balance with knees slightly bent.
  5. Players should be able to change direction quickly and affectively.
  6. Be able to perform moves and body feints.
  7. Change of pace.
  8. Keep body between ball and opponent in order to properly shield and protect the ball.
  9. Proper use of arms for balance and to make space to "hold off" defenders.

Paint the Grid - Dribble

Paint the grid dribble drill is a great soccer dribbling drill that encourages players to move around the entire grid.