Receiving Flighted Balls
In Soccer, Receiving Flighted Balls is critical to success. This receiving drill helps with controlling balls out of the air.
The receiving flighted balls soccer drill focuses on receiving and controlling balls out of the air, volleys, half-volleys, chest traps, thigh traps, and heading.

Drill Setup
- Create a circle approximately 20 yards in diameter.
- Split the team into two even groups.
- One group spreads out along the outside of the circle with a soccer ball called the passers.
- The other group starts inside the circle without a soccer ball, called the workers.
Drill Instructions
- The working players inside the grid approach a passer on the outside of the grid. He then controls the ball and returns the ball to the same passer that played the ball.
- The workers make their way across the grid to another passer and continue the drill. Do not allow players to go in a circle.
- Depending on the skill, the passers should either pass with their feet or toss the ball with their hands.
- The working players should work hard for 1-2 minutes then switch the workers and passers roles.
- Complete the following progression: two-touch passes, one-touch passes, inside of foot volleys, instep volleys, thigh traps, thigh volleys, chest traps, chest volleys, and headers.
Drill Coaching Points
- Quick movements across the grid
- Good approach on the flighted balls
- Good communications in calling for the ball before the player gets to the passer
- If a passer is occupied, go to an open passer. Don't let players sit and wait for a passer to finish.
- Good body control
- Return a solid pass with good weight on the pass.