Soccer Corners Dribbling and Reaction Game
The Soccer Corners Dribbling and Reaction Game is a fun soccer dribbling drill good for focusing on dribbling at speed, reaction time, fitness, and agility.
The Soccer Corners Dribbling and Reaction Game is a soccer dribbling drill good for focusing on dribbling at speed, reaction time, fitness, and agility.

Drill Setup
- Create a 30x30 yard grid.
- Place a 4x4 yard grid in each corner of the larger grid.
- Number, each of the smaller corner, grids 1 through 4.
- Each player starts in the larger grid with a ball.
Drill Instructions
- Players should start by dribbling freely among the larger grid.
- The coach calls out a number of one of the four corner grids.
- Upon the coach's command, the players dribble as quickly as possible to the corresponding corner grid.
- Players must then stop the ball inside the grid and stand with their foot on the ball.
- Once all players are in the grid, the coach calls out another number corresponding to a corner grid.
Drill Coaching Points
- Focus on dribbling technique
- Head up scanning the field for players
- Keep the ball close to the body for quick cuts, turns, and change of pace
- React quickly when a corner grid number is called
- Have Fun