Traffic Cop Soccer Dribbling Game
The Traffic Cop Soccer Dribbling Game teaches players to dribble in tight spaces.

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Traffic Cop Soccer Dribbling Game

The Traffic Cop Soccer Dribbling Game teaches players to dribble in tight spaces.

The Traffic Cop Soccer Dribbling Game teaches players to dribble in tight spaces. Players have to get their heads up to find free space and avoid collisions.

Traffic Cop Soccer Dribbling Game


  1. Create a grid about 15X15 yards. You can adjust the size based on the number of players and their skill level.
  2. Each player should start with a ball inside the grid.


  1. Have the players dribble around inside the grid. The dribbling players should have their heads up to avoid collisions and stay within the boundaries of the grid.
  2. Players should stay in constant motion dribbling the ball throughout this game.
  3. If a player hits another player's ball or runs into a player, that player is issued a citation.
  4. After five citations, that player goes to jail and has to do ten toe-touches, foundation touches, jumping jacks, or some simple form of "serving their time."
  5. The player with the lease citations wins the game.

Coaching Points

  • This drill is intended to be fun. As a coach, have fun with this drill and be silly. The kids love to see you out of your serious coach mode.

Traffic Cop Soccer Dribbling Game

The Traffic Cop Soccer Dribbling Game teaches players to dribble in tight spaces.

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